

Sleep, like water, you literally can’t live without. And yet so many people struggle every night to get the restorative shut eye they need.  Here’s some tips to have you, and the baby, sleeping like...well...your husband :-)


You can make a delicious cup of calming chamomile tea before bed. This will surely put you in the mood to sleep, warming your body and relaxing your mind.

Magnesium oil

Not only great for relaxing your muscles, but helpful to also relax your mind. So many of us are magnesium deficient these days and it’s pretty easy to get it back in to your routine. Take a bath is Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) or Magnesium Flakes (magnesium chloride); use a spray or lotion; or even take a supplement!

Lavender & Vetiver essential oil

I am sure you already know this, but lavender is the relaxing magician of the essential oil family. But have you heard of it’s friend vetiver? Vetiver It is known to be calming and comforting to the mind and oh my goodness, is it. Mix the two together and you’ll be sleeping like someone who doesn’t have a baby. Place two drops of each into an essential oil diffuser like this one here - and goodnight! The reason I like this diffuser so much is that you can turn off it’s lights and keep your precious blackout sleeping area and still enjoy your oils!

Establish a sleep schedule

For you - the adult, not just your kiddos. Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep each night, not just 8 hours in bed. Don’t nap more than 20 minutes a day. Take a warm bath 90-120 minutes before bed to get your body temp regulated and ready for bed. Avoid the computer, TV’s or your phone for an hour before you want to go to sleep. And sleep in complete darkness. Bright lights, even little tiny one’s from alarm clocks will throw your body off! And be mindful EMF’s in the bedroom as they can interfere with your pineal gland and its melatonin production, and may have other negative biological effects as well. And invest is some blackout curtains - they may just become your best friend!

Gaia Sleep & Relax

Helps calm nervous agitation and allows the mind to unwind. These capsules pack a punch by promoting a healthy sleep cycle and calming tension. Using herbs such as lemon balm, valerian root and passionflower just to name a few.


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