The Basics / Sourdough Starter

The Basics / Sourdough Starter

When I was a kid we called our sourdough starter Herman for some reason...he was a "coffee cake/friendship bread" starter (it was the 70s afterall) and we loved his so. It was the kids job to "feed" him daily. These days I'm less enamoured with feeding my starter (he's just another mouth to feed around the house afterall) but I'm truly in love with all the things I get to make out of him!

What will I need?

  • sprouted flour
  • Purified water
  • A clean 24 ounce -or- 32 ounce glass jar, with lid
  • clean linen towel

Step One

Whisk together 1 cup flour and 1 cup water, pour into a glass jar. Be careful not to hit the sides of the jar when pouring the mixture in.

Step Two

Cover with a linen towel, and a band. Place in a cool dark cabinet. Leave until the next morning.

Step three

For the next few days feed your starter ¼ cup flour, ¼ cup water every morning for a week.


how will i know when it’s ready?

Depending how large you jar is you may have to transfer to a larger container. Always keep the jar half full after a feeding. As the starter activates it will expand after each feeding. Once you have a bubbly starter you can pour off excess and use it in recipes to keep it under capacity of your jar.


If you bake once a week or less keep your starter in the refrigerator with a lid. Take out once a week to feed. After feeding keep out until it comes to room temperature. If you bake more frequently you can keep your starter on the counter. Feeding depends on temperature and environment, at this point you should be able to tell when it needs a feeding. If a dark liquid comes to the top this is a sign of too much water in your mixture. Simply pour off the liquid and reduce the water content for a couple feedings.


Feed your starter 12 hours before using. Always reserve ½ cup of active starter to keep it strong.

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