

Whether brought on by stress, hormones, weather changes or dehydration headaches can really sideline us from our lives! Luckily there are many easy and convenient things we can do to knock them out and get back in the game!

Oils that Ease

Peppermint essential oil or PastTense dōTerra blend. Apply directly to the area of tension. Back of your neck, shoulders, forehead, etc. This work almost instantly. If you are using straight peppermint essential oil, make sure to dilute one drop with 1/4 tsp. coconut oil. And with either of these methods - keep away from your eyes! I have made this mistake before, haha.


Make sure that you are drinking enough water! The old 8x8 rule doesn’t actually have any scientific basis. But listening to your body does! So if you are thirsty, stop what you are doing and drink water. I said water. As that should be your main source of hydration. Enjoy your kombucha afterwards. :) We love Hydroflask water bottles!

Sleep it Off!

Go take a nap in a dark room - Are you having flashbacks from your childhood? Me too. But hey, it works! Need an eye mask?

Protect your Hormones

Cut down on screen time and/or wear blue light blocking glasses - if you work on computers or look at your phone a lot this could be an obvious source of your headaches. Blue light is hard on, and actually damaging to, the eyes and hormones, so while you are enjoying your screen time, protect yourself.

Speaking of Hormones

If you are a woman this could be brought on by your cycle! Hormonal headaches are no joke! Try this homeopathic remedy and take it at the onset of the headache. It will help normalize your hormones and you can finally call these a thing of the past.

Migraine Relief

Magnesium chloride oil migraine relief spray is made using pure magnesium oil and therapeutic grade organic (USDA) aromatherapy oils that stimulate blood flow and ease the nervous system for natural and effective migraine headache relief. Simply apply the magnesium oil spray to the forehead and temples.

Body Time

Making sure your body is in alignment is critical to it functioning properly. Stress and life can pull you out of whack, so getting a massage and chiropractic or osteopathic adjustment can work wonders to relieve pain and get your back on track!


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Ear Infections/Earaches

