Ear Infections/Earaches

Ear Infections/Earaches

There’s something unique about ear pain - something that pierces right through all the other things going on and stops us in our tracks. It’s extra heartbreaking when your kiddo are suffering. Here’s ways to stop the pain, avoid the infection and get back to life!


Visiting the chiropractor is very helpful for prevention and treatment as fluid can build up but not be able to drain effectively. Making sure you are in correct alignment, especially behind your ears, will allow your body to function properly and clear up any stagnant fluid.


This is a must when fighting an ear infection. It soothes pain and works as a natural antibiotic. Garlic is not only antibacterial, it is also antimicrobial and antiviral. So this is great for ANY type of ear infection. Fill up a mug with hot water and place the bottle of oil in the mug to warm it. Once it is warm - not hot - place drops (read your ear oil’s label for exact amount) directly into the ear canal and also massage behind the ear.


A warm compress and massage will feel good and help healing speed along. Use an old fashioned hot water bottle and warm the ear. Then using your hand, rub behind the ear in a circular motion and then down towards the neck with strokes.


Basil and melaleuca oil (also known as tea tree oil) will help reduce inflammation and fight infection. Warm oils and rub around the outside of the ear.


All it takes is a hot onion in a sock and you can knock out most ear infections quickly.  It may sound crazy but this old wives tale really works - and it feels nice as well! This is my favorite remedy for ear infections. The warmth of the onion soothes the pain almost immediately and the vapors from the onion help to fight the infection. To make an onion ear muff slice an onion in half and remove the inner layers until only the last 3 rings remain.  Heat the onion in the oven for about 15 minutes at 300 degrees until it is warm and slightly steaming. Wrap the onion in a towel and cup it over the infected ear. Repeat as often as necessary to soothe pain.


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