

Sneezing, itchy eyes, dry cough, runny nose - oh the fun of allergies! Whether it’s a change of seasons, a hike in the forest or something unidentifiable trying to take you out allergies are nobody's idea of a good time. Here are some things that we love to have on hand to combat the irritants.

doTERRA TriEase capsules

These capsules contain equal parts lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils providing clear breathing and healthy immune responses when mixed together. You can also mix these oils with a carrier and rub them on the back your neck and behind your ears for concentrated relief as well.

Raw local honey

Eat a spoonful daily for a natural and gradual way to help your body adapt to local allergens.

Switch to raw dairy

Any processed, homogenized, or pasteurized dairy (even organic), doesn’t contain the necessary probiotics and enzymes that our bodies need for optimal digestion and health. Raw dairy has been proven to reduce allergies and even asthma, so pour yourself a glass!

Salt Inhaler

This inhaler will help remove impurities from your lungs and sinuses. This is a great one for that dry annoying cough that won’t go away.  Easy to use and travel with! But you do want everyone in the family to have their own.

Eucalyptus plant or essential oil

Eucalyptus clears your airways and allows you to breathe easier. If you have access to this plant, you can hang it from the shower and create a lovely, steamy, healing experience for yourself! If you have the essential oil, you can pour a couple of drops out into the shower for the same experience. You can also make your own chest rub by diluting a drop of the essential oil into a 1/4 tsp of coconut oil and rub it onto your chest.

Saline nasal spray or Neti pot

Especially great for pollen allergies, saline solution will restore moisture to dry nasal passages and sinuses. It can also reduce inflammation of mucous membranes. Using a spray or Neti pot for saline irrigation will thin mucus and not only cut down on bacteria, but reduce post nasal drip. Plus you can use it on the kids!


If your allergies are triggered by having dry sinuses, then a humidifier will do the trick to lessen attacks. I like this one because it doesn’t have lots of lights - we sleep in pitch black rooms so that’s a must for us!

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