First Aid

First Aid

Sometimes it feels like you need a medic following around your kids - oh wait - that’s you, mama! It’s true every time you turn around someone needs some tending too. But other than the most valuable healing commodity - Mama’s Kisses (patent pending) here are the things we like to have on hand to help all the boo-boos!

homeopathic starter kit

Have a homeopathic starter kit on hand - This will cover everything from shock, to infection, upset stomach, trauma, etc.

calendula cream

I love this cream from Boiron. It soothes cuts, scrapes burns, chafing, etc.

arnica gel

This gel is perfect for bumps, bruises, minor pain, clumsy kids (or adults aka me)…this is a must have and super versatile. Keep an extra tube in the diaper bag or backpack!

helichrysum essential oil

Best known for its restorative properties to the skin, this is a great oil for anything on your body. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. I’ve used it on everything from head gashes, to homemade deodorant, to adding it to my daily skin care routine! Helichrysum is also beneficial for treating sunburns, helping to block UV rays to protect against skin cancer as well as for those with acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin irritations. For application on the body, dilute a few drops into a palmful of your favorite carrier oil.

aztec clay

I love this bentonite clay and use it so many ways. It’s a great, quick and easy poultice. It draws out impurities, stingers, splinters, and basically anything else out of the skin! (Pro tip: You can also use this to spot treat for acne.) Bug bites, rashes, poison oak or ivy, this will soothe and help healing!

coconut oil

My go-to oil for sunburns mixed with helichrysum and lavender essential oils. Also use coconut oil for its antifungal properties.

boo boo bunny

Boo Boo Bunny - because kids won’t let you just use a regular ole’ ice pack. Seriously.


Do you have a nursing babe? Well then you are in luck - breast milk can be used for just about anything and everything. It really is the most incredible substance. Sinus infection? Ear Infection or ache? Pink eye? Cuts? Rash? Pour some breast milk in it, on it, up it. You name it. No joke!

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