The Perfect Hardboiled Egg

The Perfect Hardboiled Egg

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The perfect hard-boiled egg has no green ring around the yolk; the yolk is creamy and mellow; and if you want, you can stop short of the hard-boil and make a gooey soft-boiled egg instead. Follow these steps to learn how to achieve the perfect egg every time. With hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator, you always have the components of a satisfying meal.

Total time: 15 minutes


  • Pasture raised eggs
  • Sea salt
  • Water

Fill a medium sauce pot 4 inches below the brim with water. Start to bring to a rolling boil. When water starts to steam, heavily salt water (I’m not kidding, you can't over do it).

Reduce the heat to a simmer and carefully lower the eggs into the pot. Cover with a lid, and set a timer for 7 minutes.

While eggs are cooking prepare a large ice bath - one part ice, one part water in a large bowl.

When timer goes off, immediately place eggs in ice bath. Let sit until eggs are chilled and ice is melted.

Peel eggs - I like to do this while eggs are still submerged in the ice bath, I find it that its easier and the eggs peel cleanly.

Eggs can be cooked up to a week in advance, they will keep longer in the refrigerator if left in the shell until used. Fresh eggs straight from the coop or farmers market may be harder to peel than older eggs so if pretty eggs are needed select the oldest ones first.

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