The Basics / Beet Kvass

The Basics / Beet Kvass


Beet kvass is a probiotic powerhouse and very simple to prepare.

the basics / beet kvass

This mineral rich tonic is an acquired taste with its earthy flavor. The fermentation process reinforces the already strong nutritional profile of raw beets, increasing folate, enzyme, and B vitamins levels. Beets are high in sugar so it is important to ensure all pieces are below the brine to prevent mold. Remember below the brine, everything is fine! I do this by pressing the beets into the bottom of the jar and securing with a pickle pebble. Occasionally I will slice the whole beet in half at the thickest portion, and then again to create a disk. This can be used in place of, or in addition to weights.


  • 1 beets, peeled, medium diced
  • Purified water
  • 2-4 tsp Sea Salt
  • Quart jar


Peel and dice your beets, do not wash them! Chlorine and fluoride in tap water can interfere with the fermentation process.

Arrange the beets in the bottom of a glass jar secure with weights. In a second jar, dissolve the salt completely in purified water. Taste the mixture, it should be very salty but still palatable; slightly weaker than the ocean. Adjust the salt to taste. The saltiness will weaken during the fermentation process. Pour over the beets.

Gently swish the jar, being careful not to let any pieces rise to the top. Place in a cool dark space and let ferment for 2-3 weeks. Strain the liquid into a clean jar and dispose of the beet chunks. Place kvass in the back of the refrigerator and let settle for one week.

Serve chilled. Remember this is a very concentrated tonic, so enjoy in small amounts (about ¼ cup). If it is too strong, you can dilute it with water. Kvass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year in air tight containers.

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