Confit Garlic

Confit Garlic

Always great to have on hand, and simple to make. Slow cooking peeled garlic cloves in oil reduces the acidity, sharp bite, and concentrates sweetness. You can use confit garlic cloves in recipes if raw garlic is too harsh for your palate. For this recipe I use avocado oil, but you can also use ghee or any oil/fat with a high smoke point. The oil carries the same flavor and is great for adding depth to recipes. You can saute over high heat in the garlic oil- infusing flavor. Bonus- you don't have to mince, or worry about burnt garlic bits. The oil can be used in aioli, dips, dressings, and marinades.

If you don't get through the jar within a month (good luck), strain the oil through cheesecloth, and reserve the oil in a airtight container or jar in the refrigerator. Puree the cloves and transfer into freezer safe containers. I have a dedicated ice cube tray for freezing savory recipe components in manageable portions. Once the cubes are frozen I store in a ziplock in the freezer. Be sure to thaw cubes before use.

confit garlic

Total time: 1 hour


  • 2 cups garlic cloves, peeled
  • Avocado oil, enough to submerge garlic


Heat oil in small saucepan over medium-low heat. Add garlic; cook over very low heat until soft, about 1 hour. Be sure not to brown the garlic, this will cause a bitter taste.

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