Classic Blueberry Pie

Classic Blueberry Pie

Blueberry pie
We love pie. We love blueberries. Only eight ingredients. Put 'em together and you have one of *the* easiest (and tastiest!) pies to make to celebrate your Pi day this year.

classic blueberry pie

total time: 1 hour 30 minutes


  • 3 pints blueberries
  • cane sugar, to coat
  • lemon, juice & zest
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 4 tbsp arrowroot starch
  • 1 stick butter, cut into small cubes


The night before prepare a sourdough pie crust, you can find the recipe to here.

Preheat oven to 400°F and roll out chilled pie crust to two 12-inch rounds. Transfer one round to a standard pie plate and trim edges to fit. Dock inside crust with a fork and let pie plate chill in freezer for 10 minutes. Reserve second round for lattice, folded and chilled in refrigerator.

While crust is chilling, make filling. Mix blueberries, sugar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 teaspoon lemon zest, nutmeg, sea salt, and arrowroot in a large mixing bowl. Set aside.

Remove crust from freezer and line crust edges with foil to prevent over-browning. Bake for 15 minutes.

Pour filling into crust and top with butter cubes. Cover with second pie crust, creating a lattice-style top. (To do a lattice crust, we love this video!) Press edges together and crimp with a fork.

Bake for 40 minutes, watching crust. If any area is browning too quickly, cover area with foil. Keep in mind that fruit pies are finished baking when the filling bubbles at the edges.

Serve warm. Keeps 4-5 days in the refrigerator.

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